Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Next blog assignment

Here is the cheat sheet with the step-by-step instructions on how to find, sort, group and report top campaign contributors, using Microsoft Access.

Your blog assignment for this week is to find the top 10 individual contributors to federal political campaigns during the current election cycle in either:
  • your home zip code, or
  • a profession related to your blog.

  • If you select the second option, you should also restrict your report to people within a certain geographic area, such as California.

    Post the results to your blog, and attribute the data. Write the post up as a blog brief; don't just post the data without context or explanation. If the top contributor is someone that you suspect I haven't heard of before, do a little research and write in the entry a sentence or two explaining who that person is.

    Tuesday, February 12, 2008

    Assignments for 2/19

    Since the lab has limited hours over the weekend, the video blog assignment will be due at class time, on Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 9 a.m.

    Here are the reading assignments for next week's class:
  • www.robertniles.com/stats
  • Snopes.com

    Here is the OJR guide to shooting video for the Web.

    And here are the two multimedia packages we looked at in class today: Not Just a Number and Everest: Beyond the Limit
  • Wednesday, February 6, 2008

    Uploading to YouTube

    Here is the USC Annenberg Digital Lab's instructions on configuring Avid to export a video for upload to YouTube.

    Also, here are several sites you can use to create embedded Flash photo galleries for your blog:
  • Photobucket
  • Slide
  • SnapFish
  • Webshots

    Your call on which service works best for you.